Tuesday, June 16, 2009

This and that and end of exams. AND OF COURSE THE COLDPLAY CONCERT <3

Oh, IT lab again, and bored again. Anna's playing N-Ball this time. you should play that too, it is fun. Exams are over, we have all our marks! Humanities, 37/38, Maths 7/8, Science, 6/6... I really can't bother to say all the rest. Anyways, I did well. By the way this is for my Humanities teacher who probably will read this because he was figuritively begging me to give him my blogspot URL. I gave him this one.

What else did I want to say? OH YES. Has anyone ever been to a Coldplay concert? GO. It's amazing, not only because of the music, but also because of the effects, lights, props, atmosphere and above all else Chris Martin. They give it the best feeling. I am not saying that only because I'm obsessed - anyone would think that. Even my father, who is no Coldplay fan, grudgingly admitted the one we went to in Abu Dhabi was truly amazing. The concert started at nine and it was a Saturday night before school on Sunday, but I really wouldn't have missed it for anything. The opening act, Mercury Rev, was okay. They started at eight or so. Everyone there, from the looks of it, was begging for Coldplay. The rain was pouring down by the time Mercury Rev was gone and it was freezing. My jacket wasn't waterproof, so it was soaked too, but I didn't mind, because I was at a Coldplay concert!! Come to think of it, I should've brought a better jacket. But who would expect rain in late March in a place where it rains once a decade, as Chris said? Anyways, Coldplay made a stunning entrance by bursting into Violet Hill without warning anyone. It was all dark, people were impatient, and all of a sudden - Was a long and dark December, Rooftops I remember, There was snow... White snow... it was way too cool. And even better, Guy was looking better than he normally did (if that is possible) and Chris' voice was amazing. And Jonny's hat looked like he'd just washed and ironed it. Too bad - it was probably soaked by the end ;). Will was doing amazingly as well. If amazingly is a word.
After singing Violet Hill, they stopped and said Hello to the crowd. They went on to perform some more. During In My Place, Jonny and Chris went out onto the B-Stage - the one connected to the stage but sticking into the crowd - and performed it. It's so sweet how they're best friends. When they were done with the B-Stage and a few more songs, they ran out onto the C-Stage - the one right in the middle - and sang, I think, Green Eyes and then Death Will Never Conquer, with Will singing. They then sand I'm A Believer and talked to the crowd. They were met by a staggeringly loud reply :) then Chris cracked a few jokes about Emirates Palace, the hotel, and about how it barely rains. And they went back to the stage.
They called a girl in the front whose birthday it was onto the stage. *Jealous Much.* He sang the Hardest Part for her. They also sang Viva La Vida and told us we were the best audience for being so enthusiastic and putting up with the rain at the same time. When they went off, people, including me, kept singing the 'oh oh ooooh oh oooooooooooh oh' of the background of Viva La Vida. So they came back for an encore. Twice. I don't remember what they closed with, but I think it was LiT. During LiTii, I collected the typical colourful butterflies they shoot out - paper ones of course. I caught them from mid-air, and still have them three months later :). And when we left, there was major traffic. It was funny. We finally left around midnight, and got back to Dubai where we live around three hours later. So, I reached at five and left at midnight - 7 hours - okay.
Well, the bell just rang and I have Humanities next! See you!!


Mae said...

haha an (:
coldplay obsessed much :D
your so lucky.i would have loved to go to that.