Saturday, July 11, 2009

Another concert. Am I lucky or what?? KEANE <3

That should get you reading :)
Last Wednesday a band called Keane came to Dubai. You should have heard of them. If you haven't, look them up on YouTube. They're sort of the same genre as Coldplay. Anyways, back to the point, they came on Wednesday, and I went!!! :D
I got there sometime between seven and seven-thirty. The doors opened at seven, apparently, and the show was supposed to start at nine... so my older sister, who I went with, and I, had two hours of waiting to do 'til Keane came on. We managed to get a spot right at the front of the whole hall. I could nearly touch the railing at the beginning, and by the end I actually could. So, my sister and I had been waiting there for about forty-five minutes when we got all excited because someone came onto the stage. We couldn't see who it was, but we guessed it was someone from the opening band, whom we thought would come out at eight, before Keane.There he is. Anyways, we were right. Around eight Neil Harrison came on with his band Beat Antenna - they're a Dubai band. They were actually pretty good. They made a few jokes, and they seemed nice. Just before nine, they said they were going to play their last song, and then they played a song and went off. We had to wait til five past nine for Keane - but they made a great entrance with 'The Lovers are Losing.' I love that song.
They played their way through amazing songs... At a point, Tom (Tom Chaplin, Lead Vocalist + Lead Guitarst) jumped into the crowd. I was literally two inches from touching him, but I just couldn't reach! It was actually really funny, he looked really scared and could barely continue singing. He didn't do that again. LOL.
Tom was drenched in sweat by half way through. He was like, "It's hot in here, isn't it?" A bit of an understatement.
He played a load of my fave songs, including A Bad Dream and Nothing in my Way.That's Tom in the centre, and Tim on the right, on the keyboard. Behind Tom is Richard on the drums. On the left, as you can see, is Jesse. They played Crystal Ball, Everybody's Changing and Somewhere only we know also... they were amazing.

That's Crystal Ball, just before the chorus. One of my fave songs.
Another thing I really liked was the acoustic version of We Might as Well be Strangers. Tom played it during his "private time" with the Dubai crowd when the other guys were taking a break.
He also gave this long speech-ish thing about Dubai and how its made to look in the UK and how it's actually a really nice, warm, welcoming place, and they played Perfect Symmetry. The whole band. Also Spiralling. After one of their more popular songs Tom laughed and said, "When you play in places, it's cool to discover what songs are more popular there. I guess that was popular!" And he kept thanking the crowd for being so cool, and all that. They came back for an encore after they said bye, too, just like Ryan Seacrest said people do.

OH! One more thing. I hope Beat Antenna doesn't read this, they'd get freaked. At the end, me and my sister wanted Keane's autograph, but we didn't know where they were. But we thought, if not Keane then Beat Antenna, cuz they were good too. The dummer, I think Joe was his name, and Andy, the guitarist, were standing up in the VIP section right at the back, with some security people. We wanted to go talk to them, and no-one else was paying attention to them, so we felt sorry for them. We were just contemplating how to get past the security when they started walking into the non-VIP seating section without the security. We were just down below the seats, so as they started walking along the side to backstage, we followed them. They went down the stairs into backstage and we tried to go there, but a security guy saw us and walked over. It was irritating. We could see all four of Beat Antenna but we had no way of going to talk to them. And then on the way out, my sister kept looking through doors, and she even went to a back exit saying, "You think we should wait for Keane to come out this way, or Beat Antenna? I think they'll come this way!" But then my mum came to pick us up, so we had to leave :( LOL... another time then!! Anyways, KEANE WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU TOM, TIM, RICHARD, JESSE!!!!! (And beat antenna, of course)